Thursday, December 2, 2010

First post

This is my first ever blog post! I want to really keep up with this thing. I'm going to write about a bunch of different topics. From my everyday life to fashion and politics. I'm going to post pictures, videos, websites, everything.

My first post will be a little bit about me. I'm 20 years old and I live in Massachusetts. I'm currently a student and a receptionist at a salon. I'm a very wild person and somewhat strange, but I take it in stride. I brace the little things. I have a handful of great friends and my life is anything but simple. I am a sister, daughter, and aunt. My niece is my world, she's perfect and I'm glad she was born into this world. I have two cats-one is retarded I call her satan or Lily the retard because she can be so nutty. She's precious and I'd never give her up.